Turning Hope into Strategic Activism By John R. Audette Worse, cynicism and scepticism abound like never before due to a serious lack of visionary leadership firmly rooted in unwavering integrity…
adrian russell
The Alarming Truth about 15-minute cities
15 July 2024On December 3rd, Jo Nova, an Australian Writer and Researcher, penned an article entitled, ‘Climate lockdowns coming? You will be tracked in your suburb and happy about it’, which caused an outburst…
Tax Affairs
3 July 2023– Irretrievable Breakdown of Trust Based On Deception By Paul Heaney, 3rd July 2023 Tax affairs are not dissimilar to love affairs, as we all actually have a choice in…
Prescient Writers of Present Times
22 May 2023Aldous Huxley ‘Prescient Writers For Present Times’ We are without doubt living in the times that were written of in recent literature, in the form of a technologically based fictional…
24 April 2023Censorship? The above letter was shown to me by a friend. It is a standard DL-sized letter sent by him with a correct first-class stamp that didn’t reach the intended…
Emergency Alert!
23 April 2023DO NOT COMPLY 3pm EMERGENCY ALERT! Your governments will be ‘testing’ this new mobile phone alert initiative this weekend at 3pm Sunday 23rd April. St George’s Day! This is highly…
Predictions .. of Now
18 April 2023After an eleven month hiatus, the prolific and popular scientist Dr David Wilcock is back with a series of five volumes from his new publication ‘The Michael Prophecies’ – apparently…
Yours truly in a photograph amongst thousands of others posted for the annual Global 5G Protest for Freedom
27 March 2023Next 5G Global Protest is set for 24/25 June More info at https://safetechinternational.org Also our group https://www.facebook.com/groups/548912049259423/ Our aim is to gather people who oppose the introduction of non-transparent/harmful/non-verified 5G wireless…
Social Credit System (SCS)
16 March 2023– Part Four of ‘The Four Pillars of Control’ Author: Steve Barker This is the fourth and final article in this series entitled ‘The Four Pillars of Control, where IT…
Universal Basic Income (UBI)
13 March 2023– Part Three of ‘The Four Pillars of Control’ Author: Steve Barker Universal Basic Income (UBI) is the second pillar of control. Pic: & Illustration: Paul Heaney This is the…