After an eleven month hiatus, the prolific and popular scientist Dr David Wilcock is back with a series of five volumes from his new publication ‘The Michael Prophecies’ – apparently based on channellings from his encounter Archangel Michael, and with fascinating citations of his study of The Mahabharata, apparently accurate predictions of where the world is going. And it is exactly where we find ourselves now.
Its always worth taking the long view for a clue as to what’s going on and why and how we are where we are. We can draw from both the lessons of history, and discern the pointers from the back catalogue of past events of human endeavour, triumphal, catastrophic, or otherwise. For we have a plethora of documents to draw from.
Having said that, the truth is often distorted, and one historian’s view maybe coloured by their perspective or ability to access accurate sources, just like a journalist. Documented history comes in various shades and hues, and is not immune from manipulation. The victor’s account is the usual supposed record that survives any other.
And then we have those historic journals and documents that were amassed and bound together to form one of the most revered collections of our supposed history ever known. We call it the Bible. And there are differing versions of it depending on who is paying for any particular version’s publication. The King James version for instance. But there are others. And not forgetting that even the disciples of the man we know as Jesus, but who’s name perhaps is more accurate to say was Yeshua, even they had their own interpretations and accounts, that varied by degrees.
However, that being said, what is of interest and note here, are the references that are found that seem to be predictions, such as in The Book of Revelation. One view is that those who wrote such texts were somehow connected to or conscious of what some call timelines. Perhaps they had the ability to ‘scree’ the future, or these other timelines or the path humanity takes. Or, maybe they were what today our militaries in particular call remote viewing.
There are some that even talk of time travellers, and that the predictions we talk of are actually documented observations of such time travellers who ‘visited’ the time period in question. And so it is perhaps the case that just such a scenario maybe applicable to some interesting texts from the bible and other so called religious works, which seem very much apropos to our time right now. A time of great upheaval, deception and transformation.
But the Bible is not the only source of such texts. What is known as ‘the longest story’ or the Mahabharata, a book of great antiquity from the Indian tradition, speaks of some very interesting ‘future’ observations, or predictions. The philosophy behind the work of The Mahabharata divides life into great Ages or Yugas. These span from a supposed great Golden Age called Satya Yuga, to The Kali Yuga, which is the end of a great cycle, and the penultimate time in the great scheme of things before the next Golden Age, supposedly even better.
Having studied practical philosophy as a young man, I delved into this other perspective from another tradition beyond my own present culture where I find myself. But what that prolific American researcher of our time Dr David Wilcock observes are most pertinent to our times right now. He’s recently presented some interesting abstracts from The Mahabharata. He cites that Book 3 of this work makes mention of The Kali Yuga in the following texts …
- 3:187 In the Kali age, the Brahmanas (who were supposedly the great teachers and wisdom keepers of that age and culture*) abstain from prayers and meditation …
- The course of the world looketh contrary. And indeed there are signs that foreshadow the Universal Destruction.
- And, O lord of man, numerous Mleccha kings then rule over the earth”
- And those sinful monarchs, addicted to false speech, govern their subjects on principles that are false …
- And men become short-lived, weak in strength, energy, and prowess; and endowed with small might and diminutive bodies, they become scarcely truthful in speech …
- Many men at such periods strive to rob the wealth that hath from trust been deposited with them in secrecy.
- And wedded to sinful practices, they shamelessly declare – there is nothing in deposit
- Many men at such periods strive to rob the wealth that hath from trust been deposited with them in secrecy.
- And in their sixteenth year, men are overtaken with decrepitude and decay and the period of life itself is soon outrun …
- When the lives of men become so short, a drought occurs extending for many years …
- Seven blazing Suns, appearing in the firmament, drink up all the waters of the Earth that are in rivers or seas …
- And then, O Bharta, the fire called Samvartaka impelled by the winds appeareth on the earth that hath already been dried to cinders by the seven Suns
* My notes and observations
Observing that the Kali Yuga transitions into the Satya or Krita Yuga, Wilcock goes onto cite further pertinent extracts of note …
- 3:189 And when those terrible times will be over, the creation will begin anew …
- The clouds will commence to shower seasonably, and the stars and stellar conjunctions will become auspicious.
- And the planets, duly revolving in their orbits, will become exceedingly propitious.
Wilcock then goes onto cite that entity known as Kalki, or the Kalki Avatar, who arrives with “eight superhuman faculties” …
- And commissioned by Time, a Brahmana of the name Kalki will take his birth.
- And he will glorify Vishnu and possess great energy, great intelligence, and great prowess.
- And vehicles and weapons, and warriors and arms, and coats of mail will be at his disposal as soon as he will think of them.
- And he will be the king of kings, and ever victorious with the strength of virtue.
- And he will restore order and peace in this world crowded with creatures and contradictory in its course.
- And that blazing Brahmana of mighty intellect, having appeared, will destroy all things.
- And he will be the Destroyer of all, and will inaugurate a new Yuga.
- And surrounded by the Brahmanas, that Brahmana will exterminate all the mlecchas wherever those low and despicable persons may take refuge …
- When the Brahmanas will have exterminated the thieves and robbers, there will be prosperity everywhere (on earth).
Wilcock goes onto mention the work of the Virtual Maastrict McLuhan Institute which highlights the eight faculties alluded to that humanity may well be heading for according to these ancient texts …
- Great power, might, dominion, supremacy, dignity, superhuman power …
- 1) The ability to become small (anima),
- 2) Extreme lightness (laghima) … which could well be in terms of weight and light*
- 3) Power to attain anything (prapti),
- 4) Irresistible will (prakamya),
- 5) Limitless bulk (mahima),
- 6) Supreme dominion (Isita),
- 7) Subjugation by magic (vasita),
- 8) Power to suppress all desire (kamavasayita),
Coupled with this fascinating look at what these ancient texts speak of or foretell, David Wilcock has just released an opus of new work which draws on his experience of direct contact with what he says was a direct contact or channelling from Archangel Michael from 1996 to 1999 and some equally fascinating insights as to what we might be going through and about to go through.
But although these writings speak of turmoil, they also end on a positive note for mankind. And this is where we find ourselves now. Not so much at a precipice, but on the threshold of the greatest transformational opportunity this planet and our kind has ever known. It is perhaps, a kind of homecoming. Attaining to manifesting the potential we were always meant to express.
After all, within each one of us, we have all we wish and seek, as the wisest seers have noted. This is the greatest secret, and the greatest mystery. It is the greatest story, of ‘His’ story (history), the story and destiny of our kind. And that discovery of who we really are and what our potential and eventual outcome is to be, is at the heart of what David Wilcock, and sources as great as the Bible and The Mahabharata and suchlike, all allude to.
David Wilcock is a twice New York Times best selling author and his latest book ‘The Michael Prophecies’ runs into 5 volumes and reference to them can be found on his website
Paul Heaney, April 2023
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