When a local disaster starts to affect communities hundreds and thousands of miles away, its prep and protect time!

The situation where we now found ourselves in these testing times is that what used to be local and could be confined to a local area, is now of global concern and has the potential for transnational or even global reach. There is no clearer example of this than the devastating Norfolk Southern rail transport company chemical train crash in Ohio on February 3rd this month, where a multi-wagon train was derailed and the highly toxic wagon car of vinyl chloride spilt its load precisely where a creek or natural water stream is located, uncannily.
With the consequence of not only adversely affecting the local water supply, wildlife and landscape, but also has the potential to affect a extensive area of the country through the natural water courses. Beyond this, the potential is to affect the global weather system, natural or otherwise, which in turn as the potential to carry toxins and super toxins, so named dioxins, which are rumoured to be the extensive threat from the East Palestine, Ohio disaster.

According to locals and disaster relief experts, the emergency disaster operation was either handled with incompetence, or, due to what we now know of the agenda of the globally influential WEF and of course the United Nations, was more likely a deliberate act of sabotage and wilful harm on land, in the air and on the population. But the vulnerable population in this case is not just a locally constrained bordered area, the potential is more than extensive. It is a catastrophe for the Eastern seaboard of the U.S. But, rather like the Chernobyl disaster of 1986, it could also affect large parts of the planet. What is of great concern too is the spate of chemical plant fires too in recent days, weeks and months, across the United States to ore recently, Russia.
predictive programming
It also smacks of predictive programming, since a 2022 film called ‘White Noise’ seems to have been based on precisely the same scenario, and even filmed apparently in the same locality near East Palestine, Ohio. Reality mirroring art? Or part of a deliberate sick and all too often now routine ritual to facilitate disasters to some dark end. Was someone getting the idea for the film? Surely the film wasn’t made at the suggestion of someone with malevolent intent. Who knows? A very strange coincidence either way.
preparing for global disasters
Given the potential reach of such disasters, with or without malicious intent, it would behove us to plan ahead and think practically. Its always a good idea to grown your own food, but especially useful now given the supply chain issues we’ve had, plus now the possibility of chemical disasters affecting large areas of the planet.
detox foods to grow
Issues with food supplies aside, its always a good idea to have your own emergency supplies in particular, and in this case foods that will help protect you from chemical poisoning, or help detoxify the body and especially the liver, which is most vulnerable to dioxins.
Foods you should consider growing yourself are garlic, onions, and antioxidants such as leafy greens high in vitamin C such as kale, spinach and broccoli. Herbs such as parsley, rosemary, oregano and thyme. Its also a good idea to drink plenty of water which keeps the body hydrated, but also helps flush out toxins. Your cupboard should also contain flax and chia seeds, both good for detoxification.
So, get you poly-tunnels out and start sewing the seeds of life. A poly-tunnel protects from wind and insects and slugs, pollution, whether from man-made geoengineering, or aerial chemical drift. Yes, we would be wise to take a macro perspective of what is happening in the world, which will have a knock-on effect soon in our own micro worlds, especially now.
Paul Heaney, February 2023
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