How we can immediately stop the ‘Cost of Living Crisis’.
By Justin Walker, co-founder of the New Chartist Movement and the Holistic Alliance for Real Ecology (HARE) and an active supporter of The Great Rising.
How we can immediately stop the ‘Cost of Living Crisis’.
We are on the edge of a precipice. A precipice of deliberate financial chaos!
With people continuing to suffer from the so-called ‘cost of living crisis’, it’s time for each and every one of us to come to our senses quickly. Just why are so many people completely blind to what’s really happening? Are we in some sort of collective trance? For a start, shouldn’t we be concerned that the standard of the world’s political class has fallen to an all-time low?
Across the world, we are seeing leading politicians deliberately manufacturing division and chaos using only lies and deception…all of which goes almost entirely unreported and unchallenged by the mainstream media. The whole global economy is on the verge of an entirely contrived collapse and yet, mysteriously, none of our supposed ‘elected servants’ are lifting a finger to prevent it. Why is this? What’s really going on?
But before we answer that, let’s give ourselves a quick review of the current situation that we all find ourselves in. We have a dementia case in the White House with a criminal son and a ruthless, egotistical narcissist in the Kremlin. Right across the globe we have got elevated nondescripts acting as petty little dictators, some of whom have been prone to babble the strange mantra of Build-Back-Better. From country to country, we have seen these groomed retards or, more accurately, puppets, falling into line for something called the ‘Great Reset’.
And what about us here in Britain? What have we got? Well, that habitual liar and Build-Back-Better blusterer has gone…for the time being, anyway. We then had a flash in the pan, but she’s gone. But just look at who has replaced her! Seemingly, a nice enough chap, but a total system-server who is protected by his wife’s enormous fortune. And what of the leader of the opposition? Sorry, but a deep breath is required here…I think we all know what we’re dealing with as he shifts chameleon-like with all his dullness and total lack of sincerity.
Come on everyone, we all know that we’ve currently got an underwhelming bunch of self-serving, arrogant, and not very bright people representing us in Parliament. However, their ignorance and stupidity about what’s happening in the world can only really be matched…by our own!
That’s right! Every one of us is guilty by default by allowing this imminent and massive global economic downturn to gain momentum – a downturn that will not only cause appalling financial misery and bankruptcy for many, but which will ultimately create the global chaos needed to justify the World Economic Forum’s Build-Back-Better ‘Great Reset’.
What the unelected, unaccountable, Davos-meeting, multi-billionaire megalomaniacs have got planned for us all is a range of invasive and surveillance technologies that are being rolled out which will completely control every aspect of our lives whether we want this or not. Collectively called a ‘technocracy’. If you want the blueprint for this planned Orwellian nightmare, look no further than the modern and SMART Chinese cities of today with their facial recognition cameras, artificial intelligence, digital banking, and social credit system – an appalling combination that enables the Communist Party to have total control over every aspect of its citizens’ lives, whether in the home, the workplace or on the streets. Privacy cannot be tolerated or allowed! And using AI, every transaction, from buying a pint of milk to purchasing a car, is monitored, and approved by the Chinese state!
Couple this with the complete insanity of ‘Net Zero’ (CO2 is actually the ‘Gas of Life’ – we need more, not less to green the world!), the state has the weapon it needs to justify locking us all down in ‘sustainable’ and heavily restricted living areas in order to ‘save the planet’! This is insanity. Yet this is exactly what is being planned for humanity as a whole by these wretched globalists. Sovereign countries will cease to exist as we all become digital units for the ‘greater good’. And it is our ignorance and stupidity which is enabling this to happen. And here’s the proof…
- How many of us are aware that the entire global financial system is in private, unelected, and unaccountable hands whereby decisions about money creation and money supply are made in complete secrecy?
- How many of us have ever heard of the ‘Bank for International Settlements’ (BIS), a private and highly secretive institution which directly controls the Bank of England, the Federal Reserve, and the European Central Bank – along with sixty other central banks and which directly oversees well over 95% of the world’s money?
- How many of us are aware that some of our political servants meet in private with these powerful globalists through a comprehensive network of so-called ‘think tanks’ including the ‘Bilderberg Group’, the ‘Trilateral Commission’ and the ‘Council on Foreign Relations’ where all discussions remain secret?
- How many of us understand that a sovereign nation, such as ours, does not have to borrow money from this private financial system which fraudulently creates money completely out of thin air as debt?
- How many of us actually realise that a sovereign nation can create, through its treasury, its own debt-free and interest-free sovereign money that is based solely on that nation’s wealth and labour creativity?
- And how many of us realise that in August 1914, HM Treasury created debt-free and interest-free sovereign money (called the ‘Bradbury Pound’) to the extent it immediately saved the British economy from financial collapse at the outbreak of World War One?
The answer to all these six questions is virtually no one! We’ve got a tranche of treasonous Build-Back-Better politicians in bed with these powerful globalists, whilst the rest of us just wallow in our complete ignorance.
Martin Lewis, the TV money saving expert, described the energy price hikes that we’ve all had to endure as being ‘catastrophic’. But what is coming will be far, far worse. To bring in Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), and to have them accepted by a sceptical public who know that a cashless society would give far too much power to the bankers, there has to be a contrived collapse in the markets and a tsunami of bad economic news to frighten us all into compliance. Only by overwhelming and devastating our economy will we, they believe, accept their ‘Great Reset’ with all its dangerous ramifications.
However, we can easily stop this madness…but only if we decide to get off our backsides and to mobilise our dormant grey cells! And here’s how we can do it…
According to the Office of National Statistics, our country, when it comes to its overall wealth, is valued at just over £30 trillion (assets: £10.7 trillion, labour creativity: £21.4 trillion). Using the same fiscal mechanism as they did in 1914 (and which they still use today to create the coins in our pockets), the government could immediately and electronically create debt-free and interest-free ‘sovereign’ money to completely underpin the entire lawful part of Britain’s economy against what’s planned by these criminal globalists.
This means that the only question that our political servants must now be made to answer is this – “If the British economy could be saved in 1914 by using debt-free and interest-free Sovereign Money (the ‘Bradbury Pound’), why can’t it be saved today using this same fiscal mechanism?” And, if truth be known, if Sovereign Money was engaged now, it would bring to an abrupt end all those councils who are having to cut back on essential services to make ends meet. It would also throw a real spanner in the works for all those politicians who enjoy using direct taxation as a means of controlling us, including, of course, income tax!
If any of this concerns you, then please take action by writing to your MP to make them aware that you now know that there is a legal and lawful way to immediately save the British economy should the globalists attempt to trigger such a contrived financial collapse. By sovereign people taking back full control of money creation and money supply, the globalists are well and truly scuppered! And it really is that simple!
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