– Part Three of ‘The Four Pillars of Control’
Author: Steve Barker

Universal Basic Income (UBI) is the second pillar of control. Pic: & Illustration: Paul Heaney
This is the third article in a series of four entitled ‘The Four Pillars of Control, where IT specialist and director Steve Barker explains what he identifies as the key areas of our lives where these technologies are planned to be used …
Stripped of the sugar-coated false narrative, what Steve Barker discerns and describes here is a top-down control system that would sever us from our own power and authority for self-determination. Instead, what is envisioned for us is a nation which rather like a baby, its citizen drones or slaves are totally dependant on the teat of the nanny State.
We would be stripped of our dignity and having given away any of the hard fought for rights of liberties and protections afforded us by constantly checking any would-be imposter over the centuries of human endeavour, we would be reduced to a severely impoverished state. Not just physically but spiritually too. The question is, given the opportunity to take the bate, are we to remain blind to the dangers and the fuller picture of what life would be really like?
What we state here are the consequences of a blind trust and acquiescence to a hand that offers so much, but in reality, we do not see the other hand taking away far more than the other gives. It is an old trickery of a master illusionist that craves our attention to look over here, when the bigger story is happening over there. The trick is designed to make you believe what the trickster wants you to believe, when in truth something very different is happening. Steve Barker here explains what is on offer, what the consequences are and what the other hand is doing …
Pillar 3: Universal Basic Income (UBI)
The third pillar of control is Universal Basic Income. UBIs are not intrinsically good or bad, and I can imagine UBI implementations that would massively benefit humankind. However, the implementation I’m led to envision, following in the wake of the first two pillars and leading naturally to the fourth, would be anything but benevolent.
It would be sold to us as a massive simplification of the welfare system in which the state would give everyone enough money to fund a basic existence, and given that it would be tied to our DID and paid using a CBDC, it would be impossible for illegal immigrants to receive a UBI, effectively preventing them from playing any part in a society in which they were not welcome.
In reality, it would ensure that every citizen would be entirely dependent on the state to survive, with any infringements against the law or state resulting in UBI being reduced. Given that taxes would inevitably need to increase to fund a UBI scheme, I suspect that the direction of travel would ultimately be for companies to stop paying workers directly, and instead pay governments for labour, leaving the distribution of income via UBI as a matter for the state. Unpaid internships of a year or more, and low paid apprenticeship schemes are becoming much more common in the UK, and I suspect this is being used to pave the way towards a UBI.
So far, proposed pilots have come to nothing, apart from a trial in Finland, but I suspect the debate will re-open again once we’re further down the road with the previous two pillars.
– Steve Barker
In the next article, Steve Barker explains his final fourth pillar of control … the Chinese model and central pillar to their State controlled Social Credit Score (SCS) system.
– Paul Heaney, March 2023
Links to previous articles within this series …
Part 1 … ‘The Four Pillars of Control’ – The Brighter Times
Part 2 …Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) – The Brighter Times
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