Goodbye 2021…. The year people washed their hands with antibacterial hand wash for an airborne virus that isn’t caused by bacteria The year politicians had a lively debate in parliament whether a scotch egg counted as a substantial meal The year people avoided a virus by standing on “stand here stickers” The year Nicki Minaj was invited to The White House to discuss vaccine side effects after saying her cousins testicles swelled up after taking it The year a virus could get through 3 vaccines but people believed it couldn’t get through their homemade daisy mask The year people forgot that colds and flu existed and realised they weren’t immortal The year thousands of young people developed germophobia, OCD, anxiety, eating disorders, ticks and Tourette’s because of Covid hysteria and measures The year children were expected to bear the brunt of harms and measures to protect against governments failings The year a Church of England vicar faced the sack for hugging a mourner and singing without a face mask The year people sat in a packed cinema with a mask on which they lifted each time they ate a handful of popcorn – popcorn saves lives The year people were told to face the wall when standing in a lift to avoid eye contact and covid The year children were used as shields to protect adults The year 400 elites flew their private jets to COP26 to preach the world about cutting CO2 emissions The year politicians told the public to avoid contacts with others but decided the rule didn’t apply to them The year healthy children were treated as sick and probed and prodded repeatedly to prove their health The year millions were around the world were pushed into poverty because of lockdowns The year thousands of children around the world were abused behind closed doors during lockdowns The year unions, teachers and ministers gathered maskless cheek to cheek in hundreds and partied like its 1999 in an awards ceremony while children made to wear masks in schools The year education became conditional on politics of the day and children became pawns in political games with the unions The year the failure of a medical product was blamed on those who didn’t take the product The year thousands of families and friendships were severed because of polarity of Covid views The year the opposition had to come from within the ruling party The year government officials jetted off on exotic holidays whilst telling the little people to “stay cautious” The year billions around the world chose conformity over sanity by doing things they knew all too well made no sense And finally the year Julian Assange got extradited to the US but Tony Blair the war criminal was knighted Please let 2022 see the return of common sense, logic, evidence, proportionality, perspective, humour and living life in love not fear
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