If we are to help change this world to one which we would wish to see, beyond the current dystopia, then there are some key pointers we could perhaps remember in our daily lives that will help achieve this worthy goal. We have to be the change, acting with wisdom every step of the way. And that’s important too, because those who would thwart you out of resentment or even for fun, or for the worst reasons, are happy to find even the smallest chink in your armour, or to call out a false move or a mistake, a moment of forgetfulness, wherever they can. This is their game. It’s a minefield out there. So, we must be mindful or mine-ful! Let’s keep this simple …
Totems Of Positive Change:-
- Disengagement from the system/machine (non-compliance)
Once you know that you have been disempowered, or that this is the game, and that the traps are in forms of regulation and assumed contracts through assumed authority, then it’s just a matter of non-engagement with those who would have you play their silly games, albeit deployed with threatening behaviour, red letters and a tone that is meant to instil fear into our hearts,
- Engagement with the heart (peace, love, truth, guidance)
To live in the heart is to live by intuition, which includes that gut feeling that tells you whether or not to do this or that or meet a certain person. It is the most powerful thing we can do, as the heart is our best friend and guide which will never lead you astray. You don’t even need to read reams of paperwork or laws when you live the truth, as you are centred in common sense and a sense of fairness and justice.
It is also a state of balance, its quality is peaceful and loving, but not weak. It is where the greatest strength lays. There are some good ways to learn how to engage with the heart, such as taking a course in Heartmath facilitated by the Heartmath Institute in California. It’s all about the heart and how it can empower you. This course is being taught to police departments across the United States, which is an excellent idea, as we expect the police to maintain their control and equanimity in difficult circumstances and in emergency situations. I can also vouch for this course, for it reinforces a stronger connection between the heart and brain, resulting in a good heart-mind balance.
- Conversational engagement with manipulated agents officials, police, bailiffs, security staff etc)
Showing respect and care to all is a basic condition and requirement of civilised society and living. But its particularly important to be able to deal with people in a decent and effective way, who could potentially cause you much grief if a misunderstanding arises, or if you show signs of aggression or belligerence.
It’s about forming good relations with all, but especially with those who are either charged with or assume greater authority in life. Treat people decently, as you would also like to be treated. Whatever you put out there, you will get back, often in greater force.
- Respect
Respect is so necessary in all our dealings, even with those we strongly disagree with. We may not bend to their views, but we can politely disagree without using harsh or inflammatory language.
- Dignity
Never lose your composure and never sink to a lower standard of behaviour, especially if you are being subjected to such. The consequences often reel out of control. And often the person who you may have a disagreement with will reflect on your dignified response and may even modify their behaviour in the future. Time and distance are great healers as they say, and it is true. I have had people tell me such, years after a spat, and all was forgiven in good time, but with even greater respect than before. Just don’t fall into the copycat trap, it’s not easy, but it is so rewarding and far less taxing and draining when you do.
– High vibration action and non-action (energetic transformation is quantum, affecting all)
Realising all is energy, and how important it is to maintain a harmonious energy and output is vital and key to transformation, of individuals, communities and whole nations.
Be the change & exemplar (lead by example and be the exemplar of that which you expect to see. This way we are the living solutions, living by example.
Paul Heaney, November 2022
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