Extraordinary Ageing
Almost every day for years now I’ve visited an elderly lady. Now 97 and in a care home, free of drugs and blessed, without pain or expectation, ignorant of the present global turmoil. It has all washed over her, including Covid. She has reached a place halfway between the worlds. Last week she talked to me for 50 minutes. “I am enjoying the trip,” she said. “I am glad you’re here”. There is in fact, little confusion in her vision. “I don’t have any expectation … I don’t know what will come next. … I am letting go of preconceptions … I shall not think. I will close my eyes and let my mind be open”. I told her she is meditating. I am in awe of her. At 97 years old and nearing life’s end she is in a mythical state of transition. This is how the elderly SHOULD approach death.
This is how the elderly should approach death.
On Wednesday, she was asleep. I left some grapes within her reach without staying. I always take organic soft fruits which she devours with relish. I had a conversation in the care home office. They are installing Amazon Alexas “for convenience”. I said “do turn off Amazon Sidewalk!” This is a feature now fitted to Alexas by default that transmits a powerful wireless signal and makes your domestic device a 100-meter-strong public ‘hotspot’. You have to physically disable this feature else you’re powering the public wireless infrastructure! They creep this in without telling you.
They creep this in without telling you.
I suffer from Electrohypersensitivity. The symptoms take many forms but in me they are principally headaches but can also be sleep disturbances. And I suffer disorientation when I am in a microwave-rich environment such that I run a gauntlet when I am in an enclosed public place where too many mobile phones are being used around me or when I stray too close to a mobile phone mast for too long.
Or potentially where a bunch of Alexas suddenly get activated in a place where I am accustomed to spending ‘safe’ time.

I suffered a week-long ‘episode’ of headaches last week without being able to pinpoint where the offending exposures originated from. This is the second such long-term effect I have suffered this year, the first being a fortnight-long disablement. These episodes are getting longer. The first one occurred in July with a realisation several days later that I had inadvertently spent time unguarded, lingering in a 5 G test-bed zone.
A simple occurrence of someone or an organisation you have no control over can ramp up exposures like this in an environment habitual to you. It marks how quickly life can change for you when you suffer from my condition. I have written to the care homeowner asking that Amazon Sidewalk gets turned off. For the rest, I am hoping that I will not be materially affected.
Extraordinary personal Experiences
I suffered sudden headaches in 2021 after mobile phone masts were turned on on the roof of a building development completed near to my home. I stress that I had the headaches first. It took me some time to realise that the building development had been completed with new transmitter masts atop. I felt I had to move home and did, and after I moved myself to an electromagnetically clean environment the headaches abated and ceased. I stress that this happened in stages. I first found myself seeking out ‘cool spots’ in my home. I found that I slept better under the stairs like some modern-day blitz victim!
It sounds bizarre if you have not lived it!
Others have had similarly alarming experiences. *David told me that he was given 40 minutes equipment downtime by his neighbour to gather his things and vacate after the neighbour turned on a new wireless system that affected David badly, about which the neighbour was inconsiderate. His neighbour has not adopted the frame of reference that his new ‘entertainment’ causes an experience of sensory harm to some individuals, to David in particular, and even perhaps to himself although he does not appear to have any immediate feedback from his own senses to go by.
It makes me wonder whether David and I are the lucky ‘canaries in the coalmine’, at least avoiding this invisible pollution.
Everyday environmental pollution of pulsed Radiofrequency Radiation (RFR) now shows a 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 increase over 100 years (Source PHIRE). The natural background level to which biology has adapted and thought to help regulate bodily rhythms is 7.83 Hz. However, Arthur Firstenberg writes:
- Every wireless device and every antenna is responsible for electrosmog. None can ever be used safely, not even theoretically. Not cell towers, not cell phones, not WiFi, not Bluetooth, and not any of the 25 different wireless devices owned by the average household today.
The UK Department of Health writes it ‘is not currently supporting specific research on electromagnetic hypersensitivity’ (Parliamentary answer to written question 08/11/2022). The British government does cherry-pick a couple of studies it is following to make safety assurances, whilst it appears that if one follows the money, these are not guaranteed to be exempt from telecoms industry-funded conflicts of interest.
“the NIHR is not currently supporting specific research on electromagnetic hypersensitivity”
(Department of Health and Social Care)
Hence, UK doctors are given no guidance on how to treat Electrosensitive patients.
David had lived 18 years in his home. He vacated it and is and is now effectively homeless. Ironically, an itinerant, I suspect this makes him no longer a constituent, i.e. he loses his political representative. I will clarify this point and will amend the article as appropriate.
*Richard, another 5G refugee sold his home when a mobile phone mast was built nearby and bought another home for his family on the city outskirts. His new neighbour’s powerful BT boosted-wifi sent him to take sanctuary at his parents’ house. His wife remains in their new home. They have not a fixed plan for what happens next.

I am worried for Cornelia the elderly lady as I am her sole visitor, and worried about what personal care I shall be able to maintain for her if raised levels of electrosmog in the building make her home difficult for me to attend.
We are out of time for patient debate about this.
*David and Richard are real people although their names have been changed for data protection purposes.
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