By Joe St Clair
During the early days of the Covid-19 pandemic, I watched with great interest how the impact of the ‘crisis’ was unfolding and affecting peoples’ lives. I also studied how the UK government, media, and the medical establishment, were dealing with it. I soon began to realise that what I was witnessing was not predominantly about a rampant new virus attacking humanity, but rather a cunningly manipulated and orchestrated power-play meticulously planned by a malevolent group of powerful individuals behind the scenes. When I dared to express this view to friends, colleagues, and family however, I was shocked by the level of angry responses, and I was ridiculed for ‘scaremongering’ and being a ‘conspiracy theorist’. Even when I tried to share my detailed research with my four adult children their response was to question my ‘mental health’ because I was obviously ‘talking nonsense’.
Almost everyone I spoke to, apart from a few like-minded thinkers, supported the mainstream narrative espoused on the BBC News every night that the CV19 virus would wipe out thousands unless we did exactly what we were told by the newly appointed medical ‘experts’ (previously called career politicians). We had to obey the rules, stay indoors during lockdowns, wear face masks everywhere, socially distance ourselves from our loved ones, take PCR tests, re-learn how to wash our own hands, accept the doomsday statistics on ‘deaths’ and ‘cases’ and seek salvation in the trusted and safe ‘experimental vaccines’ that would deliver us from the terrible Covid plague.
All around me I watched as thousands of previously democratically ‘free’ people submitted themselves to these draconian and senseless new rules. Like sheep to the slaughter, they marched to Boris’s tune – blissfully ignorant about how they were being manipulated and controlled by a false, illegal, and corrupt narrative. Old people were locked inside their retirement homes and young children were not allowed to enjoy playing with their schoolfriends. And, if anyone dared to speak up or criticise the establishment’s credo – even if they were highly respected medical experts – they were immediately ‘censored’ in order to ‘protect the people’ from, God forbid, hearing the real truth.
Those of us who were ‘awake’ enough to understand what was really going on, soon realised that trying to wake up others to the real truth was a fruitless task. They were not interested in our lunatic ramblings. They knew better; the Government and the BBC were trusted sources, and they were telling us the truth. The vaccines were safe. We all needed to be good citizens and do as we were told. Stay indoors. Wear masks. Socially distance. Accept what the benevolent and caring WHO were dictating to the world. Cower in fear and don’t ask too many questions.
At the beginning of 2020 I gave up trying to wake people up because no-one wanted to listen to a crazy conspiracy theorist. I stopped pestering my children who thought I’d ‘lost my marbles’ and who were quite willing to roll up their sleeves and take the untested and unreliable vaccine because it was ‘the right thing to do’ to ‘Save Granny’ – and to obey wise old Boris and the super-knowledgeable Matt Hancock.
So, I then decided to try a different tack. Rather than waste my time trying to get people to listen to my carefully and thoroughly researched evidence about the true story behind the Covid pandemic, I simply sat down and wrote down twelve simple ‘predictions’. I printed them out on a single piece of paper and handed them out to everyone I met – including my four children. My message was simple – “Here are my twelve predictions. If they come true over the next two to three years, then tick them off one by one. If I am wrong and they don’t come true, then I apologise for wasting your time”.
Here is what I predicted in early 2020:
I believe that over the next few years…
- The Covid-19 pandemic will eventually go down in history as a man-manipulated crime against humanity.
- The so-called solutions of ‘lockdown’, ‘mask-wearing’, ‘social distancing’ and shutting down the economy to combat Covid will all be exposed as being totally unnecessary and pointless.
- The Covid-19 vaccination programme will be exposed as being based totally on greed and profit and not about saving lives.
- Thousands of previously healthy people will either die prematurely or have their lives destroyed by the debilitating side-effects of the experimental vaccines.
- The PCR test will be exposed as being totally flawed, inaccurate and irrelevant. So, the media supported graphs relating to the number of Covid ‘cases’ are all biased nonsense.
- It will become common knowledge that the UK Government and their ‘Public Health England’ (PHE) and WHO ‘Advisors’ used the pandemic to deliberately manipulate the populace in order to introduce new public control measures and induce fear.
- That the prevalence of loneliness, isolation, mental health issues and anxiety caused by the governmental Covid decrees will ultimately lead to more deaths than the virus itself.
- The Covid-19 virus will eventually be recognised as being no worse than any of the other coronaviruses, or similar viruses, which mankind has been exposed to throughout the centuries.
- There will be more ‘variants’ of Covid or new deadly viruses appearing in the near future that will be deliberately created in order to force us back into ‘more of the same’ so that more unnecessary vaccinations can be mandated by the authorities.
- The Covid-19 vaccinations, following forensic research by caring experts in due course, will be shown to contain alarming and immune-system compromising ingredients that have never been adequately tested and that the healthiest people will be the unvaccinated.
- Our legal, monetary, medical, and educational systems will be infiltrated and controlled to the extent that our current democratic freedoms and human rights as sovereign citizens will be systematically eroded in order to subjugate us. New laws will be passed without our consent to arrest those who step out of line.
- That it will eventually be openly revealed that our government, monarchy, military industrial complex, and other corporate bodies (EU, UN, WHO etc) are all under the control of a small elite group of psychopathic billionaires who pull the strings on all world affairs.
The irony of this prediction list is that I desperately want to be proved wrong. I want to believe that this world is a beautiful, loving, caring place that is safe for our children and grandchildren to grow up in. I want to believe in a world that is compassionate, unprejudiced, fair, and equitable. A world where we can all work together in harmony with nature and with ourselves. A world without greed, injustice, or hatred where we can all learn to grow and develop together in the spirit of mutual respect, humility, and love.
Today, looking back on my list of predictions, I am sad to say, most, if not all, of my predictions have been acknowledged as being accurate. Am I happy that my words are now vindicated? No, not really – because I am very deeply hurt by the number of lives that have been destroyed by pre-planned tyranny and deception and the reluctance of the perpetrators to admit their crimes against humanity. On the more positive side, my relationship with my four adult children is now fully repaired. They now accept that dad was right all along, and I can see that message clearly in their worried eyes.
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