What is Going On? A Eugenics Plan for the UK?
By Sandi Adams
The Secretary for Health and Social Care has announced that the NHSX and NHS Digital will be merging with NHS England and NHS Improvement. But what does this actually mean? Under the veil of the Corona virus, it means the Government have taken the opportunity to remodel, and transform our NHS, using Artificial Intelligence (AI) driven genetics. The new NHSX app appears to be effectively destroying a system that was the envy of the world. This is not about the health of the nation, it’s all about stakeholder capitalism, surveillance and genomics, the new euphemism for eugenics.
The goal of this new technology – which NHSX published in a document in October 2019 is: “predictive, preventive, personalized, and participatory medicine”, going on to state, “Key to unlocking the benefits of precision medicine with AI is the use of genomic data generated by genome sequencing. Machine learning is already being used to automate genome quality control”.
The aspiration of The NHSX app is to convert the NHS into a health service that, at its core works around the role of genetics in disease. The harsh reality is that NHSX now has the ability to penetrate the DNA of every British citizen. This app will, like every data surveillance tool, be monitoring your health, shopping habits, financial status, education, hereditary genomics and more, feeding into the corporate superstate, created by the Covid 19 crisis, and powered by mass surveillance and AI.
According to NHSX, “from 2020-2025, genomic medicine will be embedded into routine care. By 2025 genomic technologies will be integrated through multiple pathways and included as a fundamental part of clinical training. As a result, it is hoped that there will be a new taxonomy of medicine based on the underlying drivers of disease”. Like every hurried agenda that our governments and those above them have imposed upon us, the science is deeply flawed. There is little evidence that the “underlying drivers of disease” are genetic.
In Dec 2019 a study in the journal ‘PLOS One’ explained that genetics explains no more than 5-10% of the risk for many common diseases. Its conclusion was overwhelming: more than 95% of disease or disease risks – including Alzheimer’s, Autism, Asthma, juvenile diabetes, psoriasis, and more could not be accurately predicted through DNA sequence sampling. The government are spending billions of pounds on this new privatized NHS for AI driven genomic medicine when, unfortunately, the science is flawed and unfounded.
Another chilling fact in this whole plan is the man who is behind it, the former Prime Minister’s Chief Advisor – Dominic Cummings. In his blog in 2019, he wrote of hopes that the new NHS ‘genomics prediction programme’ would ultimately allow the UK not to just prevent diseases, but to identify them pre-birth, effectively endorsing selective breeding programmes at the very core of eugenics. In his blog Cummings spoke of what “natural advantages” could be gained. He claimed that a combination of AI driven machine learning with a very large genetic sampling could enable the precise prediction of complex traits such as “general intelligence” and “most diseases.” He went on to say that, “Britain could contribute huge value to the world by leveraging existing assets, including scientific talent and how the NHS is structured, to push the frontiers of a rapidly evolving scientific field – genomic prediction.” He called for “free universal ‘SNP’ (single- nucleotide polymorphous) genetic sequencing as part of a shift to genuinely preventive medicine”, to be rolled-out across the UK. This approach holds the promise of “revolutionising healthcare in ways that give Britain some natural advantages over Europe and America”.
Cummings cited scientist Robert Plomin as one of the sources for his vision. Plomin has a history of association with the ‘American Eugenics Society’, having written papers for them and spoken at the ‘British Eugenics Society’ (re branded as ‘The Galton Institute’ in 1989) – both of which advocate racial genomics. In December 2013 Plomin was called as an expert witness to The House of Commons Select Committee by Dominic Raab, to focus on the heritability of educational attainment, genetics, intelligence, and socio-economic status.
The disgraced Matt Hancock happily declared at Davos in 2019 (World Economic Forum) that he was a shareholder in ‘Genomics England’. Genomics England is owned by the Department for Health and Social Care. Genocide has been occurring in our hospitals for the last two years, with questionable protocols for Covid 19 given by NHS Trusts, above the heads of doctors, prescribing Remdesivir, Midazolam, intubation, resulting in many unnecessary deaths and blocking the use of Ivermectin and hydro-chloroquine.
Given all this information, would you trust the new all singing, all dancing NHSX ?
It is sadly, deeply dark, and has at its core a eugenics plan for the UK. We have to call it out for what it is and evolve our own health care, far away from these dangerous ideologies, using ethical health practitioners using a wide range of allopathic, naturopathic, homeopathic and quantum healing disciplines. And, most importantly, we must hold a vision of these centres in every town across the UK.
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