If today’s dystopia is draining your batteries, the prospect of another day of masked ‘lockdown’ is really getting you down and you’d rather bury your head beneath the duvet than face the dawn, help is on its way. Here are some start-the-day tips to put some pre-Covid zing back into your step and get the blood circulating again.
Begin by rating your energy level right now – 0 to 10:
0 = I woke up hating my life, sick of my job, ticked off at the thought of another Zoom meeting sat in my PJ’s; I’ve had a rough night, already feel exhausted and cannot be arsed to open the blinds.
10 = I’m feeling yippety-doo-da; whatever today throws at me, I am READY! (If you are an envious 10, you might want to pass this exercise onto someone more in need of it)
OK, Let’s Go! Six easy steps to Strengthen your lifeforce that will require less than 5 minutes of your time: Breathe, Tap, Rub, Zip, Thump, Shake!
- BREATHE deeply 5 times – inhale through the nose all the way down to the abdomen and exhale slowly through the mouth
- TAP the top of your head with the flat of your hand a few times
- RUB your tailbone or coccyx several times
- ZIP UP by facing your palm towards the body several inches away. Slowly move the hand from the pubic area up to the top of the head in a zipping action – fast or slow. Do this several times. (Notice the subtle electro-magnetic sensation in the space between your hand and your body)
- THUMP your thymus (that slightly bony protrusion below your throat and above the centre of your chest). Do it a few times.
- SHAKE off the old energy by prancing around and vigorously moving your arms and legs. Now how do you feel? Stronger? More awake? Energised? Rate yourself again and see how your rating has changed and your mood has shifted. Try it, you’ll be surprised by the results!
Carmen Harris
Author of ‘Sh*t Happens, Magic Follows (Allow It!)’
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