Light Bulb Moments and the Power of Critical Thinking is the perfect Christmas Gift for those who have woken up to smell the coffee and those who haven’t yet. The book is a critical thinking tool and will be accompanied by a campaign to show how key this is, at this critical time.
Light Bulb Moments are the product of Critical Thinking and our lives would be less rich without them. So what factors can help and hinder Critical Thinking, a concept whose importance is recognised by institutions the world-over, including the BBC? There is plentiful research on factors impeding the exercise of Critical Thinking, conformist pressures, propaganda and the absence of modern-day teaching of relevant skills, but extraordinary though it may seem, there is virtually nothing to be found on those factors that can encourage it.
When unreason seeks to dethrone reason, salvation lies in Critical Thinking. Einstein advised us to ‘Question Everything’ and Jung stated that doing this was ‘the greatest resource in learning the truth’. The book follows the questioning journeys of 24 thinkers across three continents, including Sir Julian Rose, Justin Walker, Mark Devlin, John Hamer, Eve Gilmore, Matthew Ehret, Neil Kramer, David Adelman, the two authors and others. Topics include spotting anomalies in: Money; Law and Order, Health, History, Education, Geo-Politics, Climate Change; Philosophy and Spirituality.
Through a comparison with factors mentioned by seventy four self-confessed questing people, the authors identify the attributes and triggers that propelled these thinkers along their journeys. What is more, these very features underpin the heroic thinking and actions of the heroes of Brave New World, Nineteen Eighty Four and Fahrenheit 451.
Light Bulb Moments and the Power of Critical Thinking is a call to enhance society’s Critical Thinking skills and with that embrace a future rooted not only in evidence-based thinking but also in truth. Copies of the book can be purchased on Amazon for the special pre Christmas price £15.99 (
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