As we come up to November’s Remembrance Day and Armistice Day, it might be worth remembering not only those who have fallen who believed they were fighting for freedom, but it is also a time to remember that … we are the heroes and the enemies of our own mind and actions.
Another interesting annual event, at least in the UK, is Bonfire Night, or Guy Fawkes Night, as we have just ‘celebrated’ with all manner of pyrotechnics. We may see this annual event as a useful reminder of what is bad, or even good, or how we overcame evil. Or, we may see it as a reminder of the failure of one man’s sense of injustice to combat the enemy he perceived. Or we may just take the opportunity to celebrate and have fun and enjoy a spectacle. Who doesn’t like a bonfire? But either way, we all have the opportunity to deal with events according to our own perceptions, background and persuasions, coloured by history, our education and our experiences of trauma or delight. We are the sum total and result of our experiences after all.
greatest changes
But you might have noticed a little more turmoil in the air and indeed in your own life more than usual this year. That’s because we are going through the greatest changes ever right now, at all levels. So, it’s quite a roller-coaster, and in these times when all about us seems to be in flux and under stress, it is so easy to lash out, especially at our nearest and dearest. They are the easy targets. I’m sure many of us are experiencing great upheaval right now, from the uncertainty surrounding energy prices to say the least, or wondering whether anyone is actually on the rudder of the ship of our nation, which direction we’re going in, and whether we’ll weather the stormy waters that seem to be encroaching. This applies to many countries around the world.
remembering who we are
Even the weather is rumbling as if to reflect the disquiet all around. But it is at these times in particular we would benefit from remembering, remembering who we are .. an aspect of the greatest power. That we have a higher Self, that looks objectively above the fray. And yes, we may well be wishing for a miracle in the skies to come sort it all out for us, but we all have the power and potential to rise to any adverse event that befalls us. That is our potential, inheritance and who we truly are, a great spark of the essence of life itself, whatever word we may have for it.
All I know is, our metal is being truly tested right now, and we are being asked to act like angels and with God like equanimity in a sea of troubles and turmoil. Events and people will just flare up with no warning, out of the blue, no matter who. So, let us hold fast and true, as if we are looking at the situation from above. Remember the bigger picture, and realise our reactions, responses, emotions and behaviour will affect the ‘quantum field’ acting like the butterfly effect. So, the bigger need is for us to act with grace and equanimity to help the process of change that seems like a real battle, and to some of us a constant battle.
focus on the good
Let us not forget we are so powerful, that the smallest reaction can affect the bigger picture. It will help us to focus on the good and on our passions, on that which we love and care for. On that which motivates and energises us. On that which will help the world to evolve into a more tolerant peaceful place. We have that power, and more so collectively. We are being called upon to play our part in this great change amidst the greatest upheaval. So, for the sake of your own preservation and that of the greater life, take the opportunity to appreciate the good things in people and in life, such as the magnificence of the season, to thank Nature for all its wondrous gifts, and to appreciate that we are being helped and looked over every step of the way, though we may not be aware of it. Yes, we do have a guardian angel, whatever you wish to call that presence.
“Look for it, and you will find it!”
There are guardian angels in our midst as we struggle through the mist, fog and smoke of confusion. Rather like Kary Mullis once said regarding his PCR analysis invention .. “Look for it, and you will find it!” In other words, we get what we focus on, so called ‘good’ or ‘bad’, positive or negative. That is the power we have. Let us remember this, lest we forget.
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