Amongst the array of challenges we are experiencing right now in the islands of the United Kingdom, is the thorny question of immigration. We are and always have been a nation of immigration. This has been our history. This is what makes us what we are, a peoples made up of a diverse gene pool. It is I would argue part of our strength. In Nature there is strength in diversity.
But what is different now is the scale and timing. These are not huge islands. So, we need to keep an eye on some kind of a balance. For without balance, problems can arise. And what is going on right now is an unnatural scale of immigration, born of desperation and what we would now call people traffickers assisting such people to take extraordinary risks on both land and sea, especially in winter.
So, what if there was a solution to this problem. One that mitigated the need for this en-mass influx? In my view, there is such a solution. It is to help our brothers and sisters in those countries from where they are leaving or emigrating from. Not necessarily with money, which largely does not work anyway, but the need is more systemic and practical. We need to look at the larger picture. For instance, if it is a food and crops problem, then let us provide expertise to remedy this. Likewise with any other cause, let us all do what we can to help, as we would a family member or neighbour. This way, we also help ourselves by nipping the problem in the bud, or totally mitigating any such issue in the first place, by giving each other what we need.
Divide & Conquer

Of course, there is another reason why there is an unnatural influx of peoples from other lands, and that was and is the usual suspects, being the George Soros, Klaus Schwab (WEF) and their cohort. These people are known to promote a policy of undermining the fabric of our lives by not only promoting a completely unsustainable and unnatural way of life, based on dependency on the State. But they cynically induce this by the old adage that is based on ‘divide and conquer’.
Their agenda and policies are based on the direct opposite of that which is natural and promotes dignity and self-reliance. It is a well-orchestrated plan to foment dependency through fear, aided by hiking up the cost of living by devious means and blaming certain political scenarios and a supposed enemy and treat to which they have pre-planned ‘solutions’, which ultimately through subterfuge and an array of clandestine efforts, happen to lead to disempowerment and a total lack of resilience.
Small Is Beautiful
Whereas Ernst F. Schumacher and his ‘Small Is Beautiful’ book and vision holds the golden key. It can only be smaller communities that are connected to each other, but largely self-resourced in terms of energy and food and water provision, that is the only way to secure abundance and keep those sophisticated, criminal large-scale enterprises way out of all our lives. That cynical WEF agenda that says ‘You will own nothing, and you’ll be happy’. This is the malevolent antic that is tantamount to the greatest attempted large-scale robbery in the history if the world as we know it.
This delusionary, grandiose play for power and the wealth of humanity is doomed to fail, as fortunately there are sufficient if us and Wiley enough too to know their cunning game and we’re not falling for it thank you very much. Let’s face it, more recently they’ve been using all their cunning and throwing all their toys at us, whatever they could muster right across the broad spectrum of life, in order to squeeze us and hold humanity to ransom. But we see right through it.
Unfortunately, those who dare take the candy and pay handsomely for that golden ticket to ride out on hope-ium find themselves trusting those who are blind to the colour of our skin, but only want to see the colour of our money. But these people traffickers do not care about anyone’s safety once they have their money. Whether its promises of a better life from people traffickers or the likes of the globalists who would so lighten our pockets, in rather more sophisticated ways, neither suits humanity, and both only seek to manipulate and exploit our ignorance and hope for a better life and world.
Remember, if we focus on local, and help all to appreciate what we have already got in abundance in everyone’s locality, then there is no need for fear, or even the threat of imbalance of population anywhere. The problem is one of knowledge and awareness, and appreciating what resources we all have wherever we are in the world. And if there has been an over-exploitation, then that needs addressing. And that is usually down to large corporations who have been given precedence and inequitable power over communities, no thanks to politicians and regional representatives who put themselves first, rather than those they claim to represent. Here endeth the worldly lesson we all need to learn before there is any chance of stabilisation and balance returning to all our lives.
Pretend Democracy
Remember, to know what is going on, follow the money and those chains of power play. Who is facilitating what? For what reason? Always question. We all have a right to transparency and accountability. We do not accept redacted contracts which leave nothing to public scrutiny thank you very much Ursula von der Leyen and your phony European union cohort who pretend to be democratic. The only thing such people represent is Big Pharma and other undisclosed parties.
Nor should we accept nepotistic contracts going to friends and family of politicians. Nor should we accept the lobbying merchants that only get what they want through huge pay-offs and ‘entertainment’ budgets and gifts that are meant to seduce the power brokers. All this must end if we are to secure all our futures, without fear or favour.
The Future is Happy
The future is a happy, balanced, peaceable and abundant one, where the coast is clear and the views are calm. The current storms will subside, as will those that see the future any other way. Mutual support is the way, not fear based where we lock people out. But we must be awake and alert to the cynical gamesmanship some of us have spotted not only on the horizon, but that are already to be found within. Those who are currently holding onto the reins of power by a frayed rope and who profess policies of self-interest, should worry about their own freedom and futures, for their vision and interests certainly are not in the interests of all. For they are the true pirates in my logbook.
Keep your eye clear, and keep a course straight and true, with your heart being the compass that will navigate you to safety and a happy destiny. Fear breeds sickness. Love of and for humanity in mutual support is the only way, including the way to mitigate any kind of imbalance to our national populations. We have a crisis of fear, a crisis of a lack of love and heart-based guidance. Nothing more. Fix this, and there will be no problems in our shires or on our shores. That’s for sure.
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