But what is geoengineering exactly?
Traditionally, geoengineering has encompassed two very different things: sucking carbon dioxide out of the sky so the atmosphere will trap less heat, and reflecting more sunlight away from the planet so less heat is absorbed in the first place.
Governments and institutions are now timidly admitting what the public have suspected for years now – that Geoengineering exists and is being used to supposedly ‘mitigate climate change’, which doesn’t exist like they say it does.
Chemtrails are not a conspiracy theory, ‘Chemtrails’ are very real indeed. The term ‘Chemtrails’ is not a conspiracy theory either. The name can be traced back to the US Congress itself. House Bill 2977, Space Preservation Act 2001, Page 5, line 15, under the heading of “exotic weapons”.
House Bill 2977 pdf: https://www.congress.gov/107/bills/hr2977/BILLS-107hr2977ih.pdf
US Congress website: https://www.congress.gov/bill/107th-congress/house-bill/2977/text
Chemtrails consist of the following compounds: barium and aluminum salts, polymer fibers, thorium, or silicon carbide.
Thrive: http://www.thrivemovement.com/chemtrails-how-they-affect-you-and-what-you-can-do.blog
Geoengineering has begun, as well as now being covered by such publications as, The Gurdian “Geoengineering includes removing carbon dioxide from the sky so the atmosphere will trap less heat, and solar radiation management (SRM) – reflecting more sunlight away from the planet so less heat is absorbed in the first place. The latter could be done in various ways, including spraying particles into the sky to reflect the sun away from the earth”.
The Guardian – Using geoengineering to slow global heating risks malaria rise, say scientists https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/apr/20/geoengineering-to-slow-global-heating-risks-malaria-rise
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