Tickets £15
E57 Social Club, 699 Alcester Rd South, Birmingham B14 5EY

1.00 -2.00pm LUNCH – from Down to Earth Catering – £5 a portion Vegan chick pea & sweet potato curry/Vegetable Tagine/Jamaican chicken stew with rice & peas – Let us know – or bring pack lunch

Bios of Speakers – Brighter Times Conference
James Hunt
SOFIE Enterprises, ONEMINDCAN, Growing Sovereign
James is a City of London trained corporate lawyer and serial entrepreneur who has in the past founded two regulated law firms.
Now a non-practising solicitor and principal of Everyman Advisory he is a business adviser who helps entrepreneurs (business and social) to grow their organisations by advising on appropriate legal frameworks.
The leadership challenge, at all levels of society, fascinates him and he has pioneered a new way for business owners to exit their companies without the need for external finance.
As the country entered lockdown he founded a charity and small business support network called Sofie Enterprises. The society of free and independent enterprise aims to founders of organisations through peer-to-peer learning and friendship.
A passionate libertarian and one time democrat he is excited by the opportunities that these current, troubled times present. An Ivory Tower Moralist and eternal optimist, James is convinced that “The world belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”
Eleanor Hajee
Eleanor Hajee is a founder of OneMindCAN (2021). An environmental & social justice campaigner for 15 years with an interdisciplinary academic background (BSc biology, post-grad in the Green Economy inc. sustainability science, biodiversity & ecosystems, International trade law and systems analysis) has given her a holistic understanding of how we transition to a truly just, ethical, ecologically sustainable, self-governing community-based system and local economy. One that aligns with natures principles, where the health & well-being of Earth and humans are put first and will ensure that the decision-making process remains anchored to our local communities.
Our vision is that we recognise the abundance and potential in ‘we the people’, that each individual is valued, and supported to be able to make a contribution to the life-force of the community. OneMindCAN have brought through a simple self-governing proposal for Community Assemblies. The blueprints and accompanying frameworks create a complete subsystem that empowers communities to self-organise, self-lead and anchors the decision-making process at the local, area and National level back to our communities. The 25 sector system is run in circles of 5, 7 or 12 community representatives; tasked with over-seeing Community Steering groups to bring through the community manifestos, strategies and local action plans, to ensure all are contributing their piece to the whole, and that community objectives and needs are being met.
Furthermore, OneMindCAN have brought through comprehensive strategies and an initiative to launch the Community Abundance Network, a sovereign community system (the bridge) to help us unplug from the corporate power-over structures and relocalise our production and services to seed our New Earth economy.
Jason Noble
I have been self -employed since my early 20’s, my first business was to build one of the largest private event security companies in the UK.
Prior to moving to the UAE 15 years ago I was acting on behalf of a select number of private equity investors with investments. My main business for the past 15 years has been financial services, specialising in offshore advice, offering mainly fixed income structures.
I devised and built in 2016. I do a lot of offline and to a lesser extent, online networking and found many flaws in the competitor’s processes. In One Place was designed to address some of those flaws and is ultimately set up long term as a media company, similar to Google, it is designed to attract users and offer various ways in which brands can market themselves through advertising.
I have been using a combination of In One Place and my financial services experience to slowly build a number of business partnerships within the platform, these are known as The Networks.
I am a registered and licensed football intermediary, so I have been slowly
developing good connections within football and other sports.
A long-term project that we are working on as a joint venture between
the sports intermediary and In One Place is The Football 7s franchise – to get people networking while playing football.
In addition to the sport agency side of the business, I also have strong
connections within the entertainment industry.
Jason’s extensive experience in creative business development and management have put him in the ideal place to recognise the flaws of the society that we live in and to develop new systems that can replace them, working with the Republic of England team.
Debbie Hicks
Debbie is a former lecturer and teacher of politics and social sciences to A level and undergraduate students.
Debbie started her career running a busy Labour MP’s office in the House of Commons and working at Labour head office. Debbie also worked briefly for the Home Office and Prison Service.
Debbie has worked on general and local election campaigns for the Labour Party, run for office for labour and been a vice chair. In 2017 she left labour to take up grass roots actions to engage with working class communities, notably campaigning for the rights of the homeless.
For the last two years Debbie has been one of the key activists that helped start actions to resist the attack on our rights during the lockdowns for covid. She has been arrested five times for protesting during lockdown and has faced trial for four charges.
Debbie is currently waiting for a date for judicial review and high court appeal on the right to protest during lockdowns and her conviction for filming Gloucester hospital during lockdown.
Debbie recently started the ‘Keep it Cash’ campaign; a street based grass roots initiative touring the UK to energise and kick start communities to take action to save cash.
Dr Tess Lawrie
Tess (MBBCh, PhD) is co-founder of the World Council for Health and Director of the Evidence-based Medicine Consultancy Ltd, and EbMCsquared, a community interest company. She is committed to improving and promoting health and well-being through rigorous research, collaboration and education.
Her expertise and experience, derived from both developing and developed countries, uniquely positions her to envision and co-create a Better Way for global health.
Tess is a founder member of the World Council for Health, founder of BiRD International
and convenor of the Better Way Conference
Professor Gloria Moss
Gloria Moss Gloria Moss PhD FCIPD has a background as a Training and Development expert, having been Site Training Manager at the UK’s largest manufacturing site run by Courtaulds outside Derby and then UK Training Manager for Anglo-French Eurotunnel where she led the Management training.
There followed an academic career in which she gained a PhD, became a Professor, had six books published and over 70 Peer Review journal articles and conference papers on topics relating to: Inclusive Leadership; Gender, Design and Marketing (and the evidence for cognitive sex difference); the merits of collectivist as against individualistic systems; and ancient medicine and its relationship to religion.
She runs the Questioning History and Questioning Science conferences and is launching Truth University, an institution that prioritises evidence-based critical thinking. She also has two exciting new books in the pipeline.
Harry Rhodes
Harry has, for years, begged for natural and scientific knowledge. From an educational viewpoint he was a clean slate. He had a simple education and never went to college, university, the Royal academy of science, etc etc. From just six years old, he experimented with everything he could lay my hands on. He smashed open his first etcha sketch within hours just to find out how it could draw as if by magic! More recently he desperately wanted to understand and turn knowledge into technologies that can help all life to heal and flourish. There is a great awakening happening now and it covers every field and subject for all life on this earth. He is a simple family man with a beautiful wife and child but feel privileged and humbled to be entrusted with knowledge that has laid foundations for not just helping to heal people but changing our whole environment to a healthy “feel good” place to enjoy. He is grateful that someone somewhere presented some amazing and natural technologies that have proven to be awe inspiringly real. Subjects such as cancer, asthma, the weather, how to restructure water, how to make plants grow naturally at almost twice their current pace and size, reverse vaccine damage, and much more. His prized desire is to see this earth being converted into a paradise full of healthy fulfilled people on a beautiful healthy planet. He has two sayings Make Earth Great Again” M.E.G.A. and “Only Results Count”.

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