A review of
29th – 31st OCTOBER 2021

In Wales, in a location you won’t detect because it is buried away in the hills, 30 or so electrosensitives got together in celebration of being free from a form of pollution that oppresses them.
Some came and stayed for the weekend some came and went, others were too sick even to arrive. It was a small event by necessity of geography and management, attended by outcasts.
Most were happy in that location, one woman was unwell even there, and left.
I attended as one of them.
David (real name withheld) recounted to me that he was given 20 minutes to leave his home. He had lived there for 18 years. When his neighbour’s new router was activated the effects were so intolerable to him that he could no longer stay there. Often, fleeing from the source of electromagnetic radiation is the easiest and surest solution for a sufferer. The neighbour turned off his router for 20 minutes under an ultimatum for David to gather his things and leave within that time. David ended up living in a very rural location precisely because he went where there is no mobile wireless signal. Now, two masts are planned, one on either side of him. He is the only objector out of thirteen houses affected and he is planning to move home again.
David … was given 20 minutes to leave his home
I met a couple who are living under canvas in a field. They have found each other but are suspicious of the British “business as usual” culture that has exiled them to this lifestyle. They have been harmed by it.
Here is a set of people that doctors aren’t helping.
Those sufferers who have children wonder how their children will grow up as adults facing the electromagnetic forces upon their bodies that at least one of their parents cannot endure.
These forces are so powerful that the emerging system’s energy use is calculated in carbon emissions to overtake aviation! (See information box below.) This is a novel addition to the toxic load on the human condition.
Electrosensitivity sufferers claim it is making more people subclinically sick generally. Invisibly (hence the term “Invisible Rainbow!). So how do we separate out, the accumulating “business as usual” psychological attitude to tolerating pollution, from susceptibility to disease?
Are we asking enough questions along these lines?
I enjoyed the event for two days.
The second day comprised for me of intelligent discussion with interesting people, good food, and entertainment. A cartoon workshop was held. Some self-made music was created when people dropped in who had Indian instruments many of which I don’t know the name of, playing these alongside a guitar and a flute. A song chant developed into improvised lyrics at one point singing the name of the host Invisible Rainbow Gathering. Someone tapped my shoulder and said “look”! A visible rainbow had appeared right on cue, in the sky. It felt a special moment.
We treated each other to an attempt at creating Theatre also, following a Saturday night screening of a United States Clown Theatre production on the theme of electrosensitivity.
It is good to laugh at yourselves.
The event contained on the whole, happy people with a common plight.
Many of the electrosensitives had I found been driven to live unconventional, rural lives. I asked one man where he was returning home to. He said, “I don’t know”!
I have encountered displaced electrosensitive people saying this, before.
I asked one man where he was returning home to. He said “I don’t know”!
Electrosensitives are being driven out of their homes by pain and suffering in 2021. Current standards of civic protections let them down. They are routinely put to privations and to self-exile, by social ignorance of a new hazard.
We do not do ignorance well, in the UK.
What we do well is formalising problems. To offer a formal solution would be to make peace in a war against these incidental, unwilling combattants. These victims of collateral damage.
They cannot themselves stop rattling the wireless cage being built as we speak, around them that is tormenting them. This is also a tyranny and we do not do tyranny well, in the UK.
So why should we not turn our preserves of isolation, the National Parks into “White Zones”? White Zones is another name for wireless-free zones. They are the equivalent of the “quiet carriage” on a railway train.
The only further administrative tweak required than this would be to permit – by perhaps a system of medically authorised permissions (to prevent abuse of a privilege) – for electrosensitivity sufferers to live in these quiet zones.
Oppression of minorities is not the British way, but compromise is.
Compromise … is the British way.

If you think that mobile technology has no measurable effect, look at this evidence of a wireless, global power surge!

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